First Presbyterian Church of Norwood

All Ages
Seeking to Grow in Christ Together:

Welcoming, Loving, Serving in Christ’s Name



Con-nec-tion: noun /kəˈnekSHən/
1.   a. The act of connecting.
      b. The state of being connected.

2. One that connects; a link
3. An association or relationship:
4. The logical or intelligible ordering of words or ideas; coherence.
5. Reference or relation to something else; context.
6. A person, especially one of influence or importance, with whom one is associated, as by kinship or common interests.
7. A means or channel of communication.

Youth Ministry at First Presbyterian is all about making connections

connections with each other
connections with God
connections between what our faith teaches and our daily lives
connections between ourselves and the larger world that God created and loves

We seek connections through

Many games, studying scripture, asking questions, serving others, praying together, sharing our highs and lows, leading worship, just hanging out, and much more.

JOIN US! At FPC you will find a welcoming and a safe place to explore who you are and who God is.

Middle School and High School Sunday school is at 9:45 a.m.

Youth Connection

Youth Connection (grades 6-12) meets weekly on Sundays, usually from 5:00 – 6:30 p.m., dinner included.
Our plans sometimes require a time adjustment.
Any changes will be posted on the FPC Youth Facebook page. Check us out!

Confirmation for 7th and 8th graders takes place every other year.


Youth regularly are invited to assist with worship leadership and once a year, plan and lead an entire service. The Montreat Youth Conference is a highlight of the year for the high school youth.