First Presbyterian Church of Norwood
All Ages
Seeking to Grow in Christ Together:
Welcoming, Loving, Serving in Christ’s Name
Leadership & Staff
The word, “Presbyterian” comes from the Greek word used in the New Testament for “elder.” Leadership in the Presbyterian Church is always shared between ministers (Teaching Elders) and lay leadership (Ruling Elders), who together form the Session of the local congregation. We strongly believe that God calls both women and men into leadership. Most decisions in the church are made by the Session, although there are some major decisions made by the congregation as a whole (for example, the calling of new ministers and the election of church leaders). Ruling Elders share in the spiritual leadership of the church with the minister. At FPC we have nine elders who serve three year, staggered terms.
Director of Music
Sonny Richards
Church Secretary
Paula Blake has worked at First Presbyterian Church since 1999. A native of Norwood and a graduate of Wingate College, Paula can tell you just about everything you may want to know about the church and our community. Paula loves making crafts, reading, and spending time with her family. She is the person to call for creative party or shower ideas! Paula has three sons, Elliot, Cody, and Eli.